Our Mission

It was not only disappointing but very agonizing to see the change in the women’s programming of our Festivals for 9 months from 2019/20 when we travelled with More Beautiful For Having Been Broken. It had sadly become clear to me that the women’s programs are VERY POORLY attended and feel much like our bookstores, magazines, etc., in that they have become a thing of the past.

Since the days of Claire of the Moon the statistics for lesbians going to the theatre have never really improved. I did a panel with MGM about the state of LGBT films and theatrical release in 1996 with similar results. Women are nesters, family oriented and tend to watch their entertainment in the home and if they go to a theatre it’s often to watch main-stream fare. And, now in the new era of the COVID-19 pandemic our community is rabid for content. With this in mind, we are creating inventive partnerships with other women’s production companies, businesses, as well as creating the IMDB for Lesbians – a central spot for all the Lesbian TV shows, films, series, web-series so that women in the entertainment industry can reach out to promote and pitch themselves to be involved in a production that speaks to their hearts.

Many of you have written me that you still want good movies BY, FOR and ABOUT Us. In order to be able to fulfill this desire we filmmakers have literally had to learn how to do everything for nothing. We don’t only make our movies, we have to develop them, fund them, crowdsource them, shoot them, fix them, and then market the hell out of them ourselves!! We have to run our own companies, do the designs for all our graphics in Canva, learn all the apps to push our films out on social media, be the accountant, errand runner and Girl Friday! And while many of us are happy to do this, making films still costs money and we have to pay the bills.

And finally, but most critical -- There is no financial return on all of this labor-intensive work until we have sold and/or licensed a film – and even then, our distributors take ALL expenses against putting the film out there so often we don’t see anything for 6-9 months after we are in distribution. In the case of More Beautiful For Having Been Broken I began to develop this feature in late 2013 which translates into 7 years of carrying the entire weight of un-recouped expenses, endless development costs and no paycheck whatsoever. Not to mention all the money I’ve had to put into marketing the film and the festivals.

Because we have spoken to so many other indie filmmakers as well as filmmakers from our community, we realized we had to find a different way. Didn’t Benjamin Franklin say “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”? Well we take that challenge and offer our community a brand new way to be involved in their film library – so they can feel as if they have some ownership as well as know they will be getting strong quality films BY, FOR & ABOUT US.